assalamualaikum dan selamat berpuasa/berbuka,salam sejahtera,
raya semakin aku still kat melaka.yeay...blik esok(27/9/08).
tp aku rase cam guilty pleasure.guilty sebab the nex week after raya will be my final its one can resist dat.i mean for those yg still kat mesia n dekat ngan family aku.johor ngan melaka.dekat jek.huhu.(still confuse with raya mode and exam mode)
k la,for those who can sambut raya without guiltiness,selamat hari raya kat korang.i oso wanna apologize kalo ade silap salah,terkasar bahasa,tercarut,terkeji.maklumla aku bukan sempurna dan perfectionist cam this 1 person know who you are.haha..aku juga nak mintak halalkan makan minum aku,terpaw korang ke kan??sape ingat.utang piutang tuh kalo aku lupe ingt2 kan la aku ye..hehe...semoga gembira menyambut hari raya bersama keluarga tercinta.
for those yg can sambut raya but still kene pk pasal exam cam aku,
selamat ari raya aidilfitri kat korang.maaf zahir batin dan mintak la halal makan minum ye..
nnt kiter stadi sesame kalo ade mase nnt..i mean bile aku blik mlake la kan..hahah..
raye2 jugak.notes menimbun jgn dilupe ok.hehe.
utk org yg di perantauan,in other words yg kat oversea sane,selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin kat korang,sesungguhnya korang sungguh beruntung sebab dapat beraya di tempat orang.memang la xbest sebab berjauhan dari family.but suasana raya yg korang rase tu lagi bermakne sebab disambut kat negara orang.u know org2 kaye sibuk nak beraya kat luar negara,but korang mmg dah raye kat luar negara.kan?kan?(aku berani ckp sebab aku xkan penah dpt rase beraya kat oversea.hehe).
aku xde gambo,e-card cantik2 nak tunjuk/tayang kat korang.
tp aku ade ucapan ikhlas nak tujukan kat korang,(dah xikhlas sebab aku dah kerek ngan orang tu)
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin
p/s:saya xsabar nak pulang ke kluang.wink*
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Salam.arini aku bersiaran di Kluang,Johor.
Ye betul,kat blik kg nih.homesick punye pasal + nak paw abah supaya belikan makanan best2 tym buka lagi.kat Melaka bukanlah gak.buka pose ngan kekwn,budak2 rumah, semua itu memerlukan modal air liur dan juga duit.oleh demikian utk memenimalkan perbelanjaan aku yg dah terover bajet(perasaan dah terover bajet) adalah lebih baek utk aku pulang ke desa sebenarnye bukan sbb bajet2 nih aku blik.sbb mmg aku memang kene homesick.mesti korg ckp aku gedik anak manja @ seme benda yg sewaktu dgnnya.aku pedulik hape.aku anak mmg kebykn perangai anak2 bongsu mcm nih..lalalalala~~.
Citer pasal trip plak.memula dari Melaka ,aku bertolak ke kluang pukul 3.15 ptg.itupun bas delay gak 5 pukul 3.20 approximately aku bertolak dari mlaka.then bas tuh benti kat muar,bt pht n lastly baru sampai kluang.oh ye,dalam bas aku jumpe ekin,ex-classmet aku mase alpha dulu kat MMU.die nak g bt pahat jumpe kawan die.(tatau arr kawan ke boifren).pastu kitorg beborak arr nearly 3 years since kitorg nek beta xbertegur sape.ekin ni skang kat MMU aku xbertegur ngan die sbb aku dah xjumpe die,bukan sebab aku bergado ngan die ye.jgn speku.huhu..pastuh sampai depan kuittho(name baru uni ni skang uthm) die pun turun dari bas.pukul 6.35 ptg,dengan perasaan gembira yg melonjak2,aku pun tiba di Kluang tanah tumpah darah ku.sronok gile.dengan langkah yg panjang,aku bergerak laju menyusur pulang ke rumah.yeah kejap jek dah nmpk kelibat umah kaler kuning nih.
Sampai umah,tgk abah ngah tgk tv.salam jap aku letak beg aku dlm bilik,gi dapur trus tgk arini buka ape.
YAHOO! makanan yg aku idam2kan ade kat meja.sronok.pastu aku mandi la utk menghilangkan kepenatan.pas mandi jam baru pukul 7.alah lambat lagi nak buak pose.lagi 5 minit.xtahan dah nih.utk mengelakkan lagi byk benda makruh aku buat,so aku menelentangkan diri kat dapur tuh sbb dah xthn nak duduk..mak aku tgk dan geleng kepala jek..(mst dalam hati die ckp,penat anak aku ni.sian die :p).pastuh azan’s buka time.kali nih aku TIDAK GELOJOH macam 1st day buka dan juga telah diremind kan oleh mak aku kali nih supaye makan dgn,aku pun makan ngan berhemah gak utk mengelakkn kejadian muntah berulang arr xthn aku.huhuh…selepas makan dgn kenyang jek,(xde la sepenuh2 perut aku)aku pun melepak la di depan sambil menonton citer “SUTUN kembali lagi” kat tv9.drama nih br arini aku tgk stelah 3 episod die aku aku tgk la dgn byk persoalan yg xterjawab sbb aku tatau starting citer nih camne.xpe nnt aku tnye si botak tuh .pas menonton aku terlelap………….(disini bukan aku sengaja nak terlelap utk xpergi ke teraweh,tp aku mmg terlelap).
So sedar2 jek dah pukul 4.20 pagi.trus kejutkan mak utk kami pun bersahur sekuarge.huhu…sonok dapat blik ke umah.arini nak paw abah lagi supaya bli makanan yg aku dah buat wishlist.kang malam kang abg earul plak blik.ley aku jumpe eamil.
Ye betul,kat blik kg nih.homesick punye pasal + nak paw abah supaya belikan makanan best2 tym buka lagi.kat Melaka bukanlah gak.buka pose ngan kekwn,budak2 rumah, semua itu memerlukan modal air liur dan juga duit.oleh demikian utk memenimalkan perbelanjaan aku yg dah terover bajet(perasaan dah terover bajet) adalah lebih baek utk aku pulang ke desa sebenarnye bukan sbb bajet2 nih aku blik.sbb mmg aku memang kene homesick.mesti korg ckp aku gedik anak manja @ seme benda yg sewaktu dgnnya.aku pedulik hape.aku anak mmg kebykn perangai anak2 bongsu mcm nih..lalalalala~~.
Citer pasal trip plak.memula dari Melaka ,aku bertolak ke kluang pukul 3.15 ptg.itupun bas delay gak 5 pukul 3.20 approximately aku bertolak dari mlaka.then bas tuh benti kat muar,bt pht n lastly baru sampai kluang.oh ye,dalam bas aku jumpe ekin,ex-classmet aku mase alpha dulu kat MMU.die nak g bt pahat jumpe kawan die.(tatau arr kawan ke boifren).pastu kitorg beborak arr nearly 3 years since kitorg nek beta xbertegur sape.ekin ni skang kat MMU aku xbertegur ngan die sbb aku dah xjumpe die,bukan sebab aku bergado ngan die ye.jgn speku.huhu..pastuh sampai depan kuittho(name baru uni ni skang uthm) die pun turun dari bas.pukul 6.35 ptg,dengan perasaan gembira yg melonjak2,aku pun tiba di Kluang tanah tumpah darah ku.sronok gile.dengan langkah yg panjang,aku bergerak laju menyusur pulang ke rumah.yeah kejap jek dah nmpk kelibat umah kaler kuning nih.
Sampai umah,tgk abah ngah tgk tv.salam jap aku letak beg aku dlm bilik,gi dapur trus tgk arini buka ape.
YAHOO! makanan yg aku idam2kan ade kat meja.sronok.pastu aku mandi la utk menghilangkan kepenatan.pas mandi jam baru pukul 7.alah lambat lagi nak buak pose.lagi 5 minit.xtahan dah nih.utk mengelakkan lagi byk benda makruh aku buat,so aku menelentangkan diri kat dapur tuh sbb dah xthn nak duduk..mak aku tgk dan geleng kepala jek..(mst dalam hati die ckp,penat anak aku ni.sian die :p).pastuh azan’s buka time.kali nih aku TIDAK GELOJOH macam 1st day buka dan juga telah diremind kan oleh mak aku kali nih supaye makan dgn,aku pun makan ngan berhemah gak utk mengelakkn kejadian muntah berulang arr xthn aku.huhuh…selepas makan dgn kenyang jek,(xde la sepenuh2 perut aku)aku pun melepak la di depan sambil menonton citer “SUTUN kembali lagi” kat tv9.drama nih br arini aku tgk stelah 3 episod die aku aku tgk la dgn byk persoalan yg xterjawab sbb aku tatau starting citer nih camne.xpe nnt aku tnye si botak tuh .pas menonton aku terlelap………….(disini bukan aku sengaja nak terlelap utk xpergi ke teraweh,tp aku mmg terlelap).
So sedar2 jek dah pukul 4.20 pagi.trus kejutkan mak utk kami pun bersahur sekuarge.huhu…sonok dapat blik ke umah.arini nak paw abah lagi supaya bli makanan yg aku dah buat wishlist.kang malam kang abg earul plak blik.ley aku jumpe eamil.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tagged by Dya Nadira
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 0424.
Name : s.g.
Sisters : None
Brothers : jonas brothers.
Shoe size : 12.
Height : 6".
Where do you live : Bukit Beruang,Melaka.
Have you ever
Fallen asleep at school :
- alwiz
Broken someone's heart :
- Yes,incidentally.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call :
- was until i felt asleep.
Who was were the last person
You danced with :
- myself
Last made you smile :
- shazwina
You last yelled at :
- Jessica( he)
Do you like your hand-writing :
- currently yes.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in :
- paris hilton
Are you a friendly person :
- you judge.
Do you have any pets :
- yes.mealworm.
What are you doing right now :
- doing this shit.
Can you handle the truth :
- yess
Are you closer to your mother or father :
- My Mom.akukananakmak.
Do you eat healthy :
- ntah.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :
- No.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to :
- myself
Are you confident :
- half2.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
- I was in kelas 5 siantan
- I was a chubby boy who was so naive
- I was a prefect
- I memorized all my frens phone numbers
- I ate kuaci at skolah agama
5 places I am living in ( places I've lived in since i was born till current)
- Kluang
- Melaka
- Mersing
- Batu Pahat
- Kelapa Sawit
5 people I tag
- shat
- rased
- wan yana
- egy
- affan
1. The person who last tag you is:
- dya nadira
2. Your relationship with him/her is:
- Ex crush(hahahaha)
3. Your five impression of him/her:
- she's cool
- She's smart
-she's friendly
- Multilingual
- dia pandai menaril
- photogedik
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
- She asking me to do this tag.:p
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
- sang hepi besday song beramai2 when i turn 19.
6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
- Lover? xmo arr..mane aku nak campak adik shat ko oi~~(nada kak baby)
7. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
- nanges laju2.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
- i curik her new phone tuh.
9. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- Gi jumpe die kat cyber,borak2 ngan die sambil usha henpon baru die.
10. Your overall impression of him/her is:
- tiptop.
11. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
- si ganjil yang kejam,pembuli hamba Allah yang sorang nih,aku benci kau.
12. The characters you love of yourself are:
- loyalty.
13. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
- malas
14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
- penternak kambing dan lembu tenusu terbesar kat malaysia
15. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:
- 1) shat
- 2) affanazami
- 3) latip badboy
- 4) rashid
- 5) rozie ta simpul
- 6) nodee
- 7) wan yana
- 8) mak azmi
- 9) rachel
-10) syu ghaz
16. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
- yes,with abg if die.
17. Is no.9 a male or female:
- female
18. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
- they already together.more to les partner.kan korang panggil bebeh between urselfkan syud n yana??
19. What is no.2 studying about?
- political science
20. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
- 2 days before was during sahur.
21. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
- dunno 1.but i think is jiwag old folks kan mak azmi kan??
22. Does no.1 have any siblings?
- Yes 1 brother,1 brother had passed away, and 2 younger sisters.
23. Will you woo no.3?
- wtf,he's male.
24. How about no.7?
- dun want la.she's likes a bff to me.hehe.
25. Is no.4 single?
- single uols.
26. What is the surname of no.5?
- encik ibrahim
27. What’s the hobby of no.4?
- curanz.xde la he's like to read random process n queueing theory.
28. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
- they don't know each other.
29. Where is no.2 studying at?
30. Talk something casually about no.1:
- She likes to cook choc cake(nada casual)
31. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
- Never.
32. Where does no.9 live at?
- Ixora i think?
33. What colour does no.4 like?
- Pink.
34. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
- err more like kakak n adik relationship.
35. Does no.1 have any pets?
- yes,at her home in kl
36. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
- ask herself.she's meletop in baju kurung.
37. What is no. 10 doing now?
- completing her mini project assignment.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
short update kekdahnya
tadi hujan xhenti2,
lapar di dalam hati,
suarakan kat nwa_yugi,
dia masakkan maggi,
kari berapi,
sedap sekali,
xlahap sy kunyah maggi,
saya suka hati.
lapar di dalam hati,
suarakan kat nwa_yugi,
dia masakkan maggi,
kari berapi,
sedap sekali,
xlahap sy kunyah maggi,
saya suka hati.
Tagged by Affanazami
salam.ok i got tagged by this fella.he wants me to include the 10 best picts.i dun like to take pictures.but somehow there's a lot of pics of myself.what r u gonna defined me??ya tenang2 aja.
ok without wasting my time n your time,see all of dis picts:
10
this pic looks cool coz it shows dat i'm sitting at the end of da high superhero plak.
i like this shows how 5-months baby boy held his milk bottle.i bet not many babies out there whose hold their milk bottle theirselves.
i like my posture in this pics.dats ol.
the good ol days.this is da pic of me when i was in my first year in MMU @ so called alpha year.this pic has a story behind it.just love the pic and da story.
Her name is najwa.she's my anak sedara(dunno in english wat).just like her sincere.
dats y her pic in here.
di tepian pantai.
grup pic.i like grup pic.freestyle
3
i love to see ppl in this pic,there are many ppl
senyum sampai ke pipi.xley sampai tlinga.but i will try.
my most favourite.tendang2 sambil melompat.kredit to nodee to take this pic for me.hehe.
thanx,affan to give me this miserable tag.i said it so coz u will know once i tagged now i would like to tag sum ppl so that they can share the best pics dat they have.
ok the person is:
wan yana
dya rusli
tuai nakiwa
latip badboy
syuhadah ghazali
kang long@dila
korang seme,silalah la buat ye.
ok without wasting my time n your time,see all of dis picts:

this pic looks cool coz it shows dat i'm sitting at the end of da high superhero plak.



dats y her pic in here.


i love to see ppl in this pic,there are many ppl

thanx,affan to give me this miserable tag.i said it so coz u will know once i tagged now i would like to tag sum ppl so that they can share the best pics dat they have.
ok the person is:
wan yana
dya rusli
tuai nakiwa
latip badboy
syuhadah ghazali
kang long@dila
korang seme,silalah la buat ye.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
salam.aku kembali terapung2 di laman maklumat ni.
arini aku nak cita pasal frasa yang korang sampai mampus pun jangan letak frasa nih kat name anak2 korang.sebab ape?
ikuti kisah ni.
satu hari,ada pemuda ditahan polis kerana didapati mencurigakan walhal dia xmencurigakan sesiapa pun.
Polis:encik,ni name ape?
Polis:name enciklah.
Polis:encik jgn nak maen2 dgn encik ni sape?
Polis:encik,saya tanya name encik nih siapa?nama penuh encik?
Pemuda:siapa dia.
Polis:nama encik la.encik nih ada masalah pendengaran ke??
Pemuda:sy blum pekak lagilah.(nada berang).nama saya siapa dia.
Polis:encik ni bergurau senda plak dgn saya.tnye main2.kluarkan ic encik skarang.
Pemuda:kalau encik xpercaya nama saya,amik ic nih.(sambil mengeluarkan ic dari dompet )
Polis:tersipu2.tertera di kad pengenalannya:
Pemuda:kan saya dah ckp.encik xpercaya.malah encik,berang plak dgn saye.mmg name saya
cam tuh.
Polis:maaflah encik.encik boleh pegi..
Kisah 2:
gadis 1:hai.awak,nama apa?
gadis 2:awak?
gadis 1:awak dulu la.
gadis 2:awak.
gadis 1:awak la dulu.
gadis 2:AWAK.(nada menekan)
gadis 1:awak,saya Maloo.
gadis 2:apa yang awak malu?
gadis 1:xmalu.nama saya Maloo.
gadis 2:owhh,malu..awak,saya AWAK.
gadis 1:huh??
gadis 2:maksud saya nama saya AWAK.
gadis 1:name awak ngan saya same ke??awak cakap name awak sama ngan saye.
gadis 2:bukan saya awak.bukan same dgn awak.tapi name saya Awak.
gadis 1:owh awak.awak,selamat berkenalan.
skang dah tau dah nama yg korang xpatut letak sbg nama anak2 korang.pilihla name2 yg baek utk mengelakkan kekeliruan.sekian,terima kaseh.
arini aku nak cita pasal frasa yang korang sampai mampus pun jangan letak frasa nih kat name anak2 korang.sebab ape?
ikuti kisah ni.
satu hari,ada pemuda ditahan polis kerana didapati mencurigakan walhal dia xmencurigakan sesiapa pun.
Polis:encik,ni name ape?
Polis:name enciklah.
Polis:encik jgn nak maen2 dgn encik ni sape?
Polis:encik,saya tanya name encik nih siapa?nama penuh encik?
Pemuda:siapa dia.
Polis:nama encik la.encik nih ada masalah pendengaran ke??
Pemuda:sy blum pekak lagilah.(nada berang).nama saya siapa dia.
Polis:encik ni bergurau senda plak dgn saya.tnye main2.kluarkan ic encik skarang.
Pemuda:kalau encik xpercaya nama saya,amik ic nih.(sambil mengeluarkan ic dari dompet )
Polis:tersipu2.tertera di kad pengenalannya:
Pemuda:kan saya dah ckp.encik xpercaya.malah encik,berang plak dgn saye.mmg name saya
cam tuh.
Polis:maaflah encik.encik boleh pegi..
Kisah 2:
gadis 1:hai.awak,nama apa?
gadis 2:awak?
gadis 1:awak dulu la.
gadis 2:awak.
gadis 1:awak la dulu.
gadis 2:AWAK.(nada menekan)
gadis 1:awak,saya Maloo.
gadis 2:apa yang awak malu?
gadis 1:xmalu.nama saya Maloo.
gadis 2:owhh,malu..awak,saya AWAK.
gadis 1:huh??
gadis 2:maksud saya nama saya AWAK.
gadis 1:name awak ngan saya same ke??awak cakap name awak sama ngan saye.
gadis 2:bukan saya awak.bukan same dgn awak.tapi name saya Awak.
gadis 1:owh awak.awak,selamat berkenalan.
skang dah tau dah nama yg korang xpatut letak sbg nama anak2 korang.pilihla name2 yg baek utk mengelakkan kekeliruan.sekian,terima kaseh.
Friday, September 5, 2008
kerana spageti..
salam.ok,aku tau its ramadhan n korg mst terliur terbayangkan kesedapan spageti.
but ada kisah di sebalik makanan nih.oh ye sowi dah lame xhapdet pasal aku xde story best plus mls nak updet.nak updet pasal besday aku pun aku malas lagi nak citer pasal besday orang aku malas la nak hapdet.ok back to da story.
it was da first ramadhan when i was craving of having spageti during the fasting break(betul ke ni?).so my mum with her full of love made me da spageti plus sirap bandung soda as our drinks.peh... in my heart only-god-knows-da feeling and it made me xsaba2 nak buka puasa.
since it just da 0nly day yg i akan berbuka puasa ngan my fam,so i was lyk enjoy da day so much.It was 7.12pm,and i heard the azan its tym to eat la wei.started wif kurma n with the tamak haloba i took the spageti n i ate it.amik ko 2 pinggan straight.(fyi 2 pinggan nih standard aku di hari cam biasa jek la).the spageti was sooooooo deliciousss.then i drank soda bandung that my mum mum n dad tgk jek kelahapan anak mereka tanpa sebarang kata2.huhuh..yelah it was my last day i can fast break ngan diorang b4 2-3 days b4 raya n it was the first why lost da oppurtunity.actually my mom made some pudding as dessert but i can ate it coz my stomache was i reserved it later after terawikh.ok i'm done eating my,i prayed seme2 la kan n chill kat hall waiting for azan isyak.suddenly.......
i felt something in my stomache.u know da felt when your stomache is full and you-just-felt-lyk to sendawa but cannot sendawa??malay said "angin".lyk dat arr i i took a nap to let the pain my dad woke my up to go to terawikh. i did.8 jek sebab xtahan n i also want to have a cit cat wif my fren/neighbour sbb dah lama xjumpe since dah nmpk i balik rumah la with perut yg xsedap nih..
so ape kaitannya spageti ngan citer aku nih??tunggu citer baru separuh.
so it was 10.00 and angah(my cousin) came to my house with abg chik and uda.we were planning to see da DEATH RACE he took me and we went to Kluang Parade to see the movie.seriously i cant stand the pain but i wanna see the i bought the assam utk hilangkan angin n perasaan loya.seriously it worked.i can enjoy the movie myself.It was a great movie.i bet you wanna watch it again because the story was so cool.So,after the movie,they wanted to go yam char + hookahing(shisha la tuh).i was berat jek nak follow but i followed the stall i wanna order limau suam coz kalo angin2 minum limau bagus but abes plak .(motif limau boleh habis.dah arr buat minum jek.)pastuh angah recommended me to order teh halia @ ginger tea(matilah direct translation).so i pun order arr.bley teh halia pun habis.wat the fish kan.seme jek i pasrah n redha jek la.After 5 minutes,i felt really i asked abg chik to take me he did.sampai rumah,the first place i must found is da TOILET.*wink*
at the toilet,you wanna know what happened?????
i PUKED.PUKED.all the spageti came outside my mouth.i think all da spegeti dat i ate came out.pehhh..amik ko nazay.makan xbersopan.kan dah muntah2 plus sakit perut.i thought pas dah puked tuh ok,but my stomache plak problem.i have to format it 3 4 times dat nyte.really hard dat during sahur,i can't eat benda complex lyk nasi coz tekak dah xley i took bread with milo panas.mmg lemah gile ok.suppose i went back to melaka on tuesday but my dad changed the ticket coz die tgk anak die melepek jek.huhu..
so what's da moral of da story???
jgn la mkn spegeti xingt dunia sambil meminum air berkarbonat.kombinasi yg cukup membuatkn hari anda indah bak sang suria.
salam.ok,aku tau its ramadhan n korg mst terliur terbayangkan kesedapan spageti.
but ada kisah di sebalik makanan nih.oh ye sowi dah lame xhapdet pasal aku xde story best plus mls nak updet.nak updet pasal besday aku pun aku malas lagi nak citer pasal besday orang aku malas la nak hapdet.ok back to da story.
it was da first ramadhan when i was craving of having spageti during the fasting break(betul ke ni?).so my mum with her full of love made me da spageti plus sirap bandung soda as our drinks.peh... in my heart only-god-knows-da feeling and it made me xsaba2 nak buka puasa.
since it just da 0nly day yg i akan berbuka puasa ngan my fam,so i was lyk enjoy da day so much.It was 7.12pm,and i heard the azan its tym to eat la wei.started wif kurma n with the tamak haloba i took the spageti n i ate it.amik ko 2 pinggan straight.(fyi 2 pinggan nih standard aku di hari cam biasa jek la).the spageti was sooooooo deliciousss.then i drank soda bandung that my mum mum n dad tgk jek kelahapan anak mereka tanpa sebarang kata2.huhuh..yelah it was my last day i can fast break ngan diorang b4 2-3 days b4 raya n it was the first why lost da oppurtunity.actually my mom made some pudding as dessert but i can ate it coz my stomache was i reserved it later after terawikh.ok i'm done eating my,i prayed seme2 la kan n chill kat hall waiting for azan isyak.suddenly.......
i felt something in my stomache.u know da felt when your stomache is full and you-just-felt-lyk to sendawa but cannot sendawa??malay said "angin".lyk dat arr i i took a nap to let the pain my dad woke my up to go to terawikh. i did.8 jek sebab xtahan n i also want to have a cit cat wif my fren/neighbour sbb dah lama xjumpe since dah nmpk i balik rumah la with perut yg xsedap nih..
so ape kaitannya spageti ngan citer aku nih??tunggu citer baru separuh.
so it was 10.00 and angah(my cousin) came to my house with abg chik and uda.we were planning to see da DEATH RACE he took me and we went to Kluang Parade to see the movie.seriously i cant stand the pain but i wanna see the i bought the assam utk hilangkan angin n perasaan loya.seriously it worked.i can enjoy the movie myself.It was a great movie.i bet you wanna watch it again because the story was so cool.So,after the movie,they wanted to go yam char + hookahing(shisha la tuh).i was berat jek nak follow but i followed the stall i wanna order limau suam coz kalo angin2 minum limau bagus but abes plak .(motif limau boleh habis.dah arr buat minum jek.)pastuh angah recommended me to order teh halia @ ginger tea(matilah direct translation).so i pun order arr.bley teh halia pun habis.wat the fish kan.seme jek i pasrah n redha jek la.After 5 minutes,i felt really i asked abg chik to take me he did.sampai rumah,the first place i must found is da TOILET.*wink*
at the toilet,you wanna know what happened?????
i PUKED.PUKED.all the spageti came outside my mouth.i think all da spegeti dat i ate came out.pehhh..amik ko nazay.makan xbersopan.kan dah muntah2 plus sakit perut.i thought pas dah puked tuh ok,but my stomache plak problem.i have to format it 3 4 times dat nyte.really hard dat during sahur,i can't eat benda complex lyk nasi coz tekak dah xley i took bread with milo panas.mmg lemah gile ok.suppose i went back to melaka on tuesday but my dad changed the ticket coz die tgk anak die melepek jek.huhu..
so what's da moral of da story???
jgn la mkn spegeti xingt dunia sambil meminum air berkarbonat.kombinasi yg cukup membuatkn hari anda indah bak sang suria.
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